Tuesday 24 January 2017

Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day

  Joey is running an alphabet challenge and even though I'm not too keen on the alphabets, I thought I'd still join in the fun on the tangles. So here's Dicso (no, not "disco"... It's a tangle that is drawn using the five elemental strokes- a dot, line, curve, reverse curve, and a sphere... or what we simply know as "ICSO". So the name is pretty fitting.)

The tile is up for swapping. If you're interested in having it and completing it, let me know in the comments section below. I'd love to have this tile as a swap for the Travelling Tangles Project. Done on an original Zentangle tile and colours were added with Coloursoft coloured pencils.

  Today, is  Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day, and in a show of support, the Diva has asked the Zentangle community to create tiles using the Moebius Syndrome Foundation's logo as our string. Here's mine, paired with my simplified version of Diva Dance Rock and Roll:
I added purple watercolours in the background as it is the colour for MSAD.

  Lastly, I've been practicing my typography and have been creating lots of works. I've also recently started a bullet journal, of sorts. It's very loosely based on the original bullet journal idea and I've just been doing what works for me. Here's a page from it with a quote by Rumi:
"Stop acting so small... You are the universe in ecstatic motion."

  I hope it acts as a reminder to you to keep reaching for bigger goals and to keep dreaming bigger dreams. Until next week, my lovelies... Keep tangling! :)


  1. oh my! I'd love to swap with you! I have a couple of tiles started and have just been waiting for the opportunity to send them "traveling"

    My best email is bunsofaluminum60 at hotmail.com that's the one I check every day, if you want to email me your address. Or look for heidi whitney in the traveling tangles project and we can exchange addies by messenger. Cool!... Love your diva challenge tile, too. It is perfectly fitting to use diva dance so prominently, and the glow of purple is just stunning. Good work!

    1. Dear Heidi,

      I just sent you a mail. :)
      Thank you for your kind words.

  2. OMG you caught me, I goofed on the name!!!!
    And might I add that your tiles are wonderful!
    ~ joey ~

    1. Ahhh~ It was a small slip up. We'll blame it all on autocorrect. I just really loved the story behind the tangles' name and thought that people who were visiting my blog in passing might want to know the cool story too. :) Thank you for the kind compliment.

  3. Stephanie, your MSAD emblem is nicely done with the diva dance in the background. Not something I would have thought of to do, but now that gives me ideas. Great work.


    1. Your name sounds perfectly wonderful. It just rolls off the tongue.

      And thank you for the compliment. I hope you're feeling better and have many more weeks of happy and fun tangling.

  4. Beautiful MSAD Tile! Perfect to use Diva Dance! Thank you for the Rumi quote! :)

    1. And thank YOU for dropping by and taking the time to leave a comment.
      What a pretty kitty as your profile picture. :D

  5. Love the hearts in the center of your Diva dance. Great tile!

  6. Lovely work. Those hearts are such a sweet idea for the centers of Diva Dance and the colors look like they are melted on the tile. It will be fun to see what Heidi does with your tile, and I enjoyed seeing your lettering.

  7. I like your Diva tile. Nice use of white (purple?) space.

  8. I love your tile. Perfect using Diva Dance.

  9. Gorgeous work as usual;-) I really love your Diva piece. Those little hearts are delightful.

  10. The Diva Dance is great around the Moebius Syndrome Logo!!!

  11. I love your tile for the Diva Challenge! So simple and elegant and beautifully framed by the purple!

  12. All are lovely! Especially I like your tile with the Moebius logo. Your Diva Dance with the hearts in the centre is pretty!

  13. I like your Moebius tile. Love how you put the hearts in the center of Diva Dance. Your MSF logo is so nicely drawn.

  14. Gorgeous, you create such wonderful moods. Your text is just great!
