Wednesday 23 September 2015

Commas show that it's not the end.

You probably have seen this before if you follow me on Instagram.
This was a collaboration between my mum and I to celebrate International Day of Peace.

Today is the official First Day of Fall. And even though we don't get four seasons in Singapore, it won't stop me from doing a tile to celebrate the day. ^-^

For Diva's Challenge. This is a mix between last week's and this week's challenge.
Last week, we had to use stripe-y strings. This week, we had to draw on an unexpected surface. I used a scrap of paper I had from my craft box.
My mum says the tile looks too busy. I agree, too, but I'm still posting in the spirit of the challenge.

Punctuation Day is tomorrow. My favourite punctuation is the comma, so I did a monotangle of "Pixioze" on a Bijou tile. Pixioze is a wonderful tangle pattern to work with and I will definitely use it again soon.

  I know it's an odd thing to ask, but what's your favourite punctuation mark? ... Full stop? Comma? Exclamation point? Quotation marks? Parenthesis? Hashtag sign? Ampersand? Question mark?
  Let me know in the comment section below. ^-^


  1. I love your punctuation mark. Yes your diva challenge is a bit busy, but that is not the point. It was a great idea to try it out and to post the result. I like the way you left a border so that you can see what was originally used. As for what is my favourite punctuation mark, I haven't really thought about it but I quite like ~ it makes a change from a normal dash mark.

  2. I rather thought it looked like a transparent screen over the patterned cloth. I like it!

    My fave punctuation mark is the semi-colon.

  3. Nice work. I love a question mark because it means that I am interacting with someone, and caring about what they think. I love to talk to people, do you? LOL!

  4. I think you did a fabulous job on all of your pieces!! And the Comma, ......IT"S GREAT!!!! I would have to say, my favorite punctuation mark is an "EXCLAMATION MARK" !!!!! I tend to talk with a lot of expression, so I'm told :0) It make s people smile! Great post! Have an awesome day!!!

  5. Like the paper you tangled on! Maybe busy but also lovely.
