Tuesday 14 July 2015

Joey's Zentangle Challenge: Florez

  It was a busy week for me last week, and I don't think the busy-ness will ease up anytime soon. Getting an art exhibition ready is no easy task but I'm loving every step of the journey. I still found time to do a Zentangle challenge, though.

  This week's letter is "F", and we're using "Florez". I really like "Nzeppel" so this pattern was fun to do too. I did this week's challenge on a Bijou tile.


  1. I am amazed you fitted so much into s bijou tile. It looks great.

  2. impressive indeed that this is a bijou tile. Such precision and clarity of line is hard to come by even on regular tiles or paper. Nice work!

  3. This is great! Nzeppel is one of my favorite go-to patterns and I love it's similarity to Florez. Beautifully drawn.

  4. Love the fluidity. And on a Bijou!!! Pretty amazing
