Wednesday 17 June 2015

Diva's Zentangle Challenge: Pride Week

  This week's challenge was to use multiple colours in celebration of pride week. Here in Singapore, we just had a "Pink Dot" event where people participating in the event wear pink to show their support for the LGBT community in Singapore. It is a group for everyone, be them part of the LGBT community or a straight ally, who support the belief that everyone deserves the freedom to love.

  Why pink? Pink is the colour of Singaporean's Identity Cards. It is also the colour when you mix red and white – the colours of our national flag. Pink Dot stands for an open, inclusive society, where sexual orientation represents a feature, not a barrier.

  In America, though, a common symbol of the LGBT community is the rainbow flag. As that seemed more related to the challenge, I took that as inspiration for my entry:
This is a monotangle. The pattern I used was "Mr.E".

  Leave a comment of love down below. And happy pride week to all of your lovelies. ^-^


  1. Wonderful rain low colouring, interesting to hear about the pink dot symbol and reasons for it in your area. You may be across the world from America with different symbols, but both sides of the globe are wanting the same thing - to have an open and inclusive society that supports everyone.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)
      I really do hope that everyone starts to open their hearts and see that we're not all that different afterall.

      And I've said it before but I'll say it again, I loved your "Bunzo" tile. ^-^

  2. What did you use to color your tile? The colors are vibrant, but blend so nicely and are a good base for your monotangle. In the US, the LGBT community still faces problems, especially in some states and rural areas. However, the times are inexorably changing and fortunately, the younger generation seems much more accepting of diversity in our communities. In the US, pink is usually the color associated with breast cancer awareness and as you mentioned, the rainbow flag is the symbol of LGBT pride and support.

    1. I used Winsor & Newton's Cotman watercolours.

      Singapore is actually considered a conservative country. We have a law that states that homesexual activities are illegal. That law is something that the Pink Dot supporters want to abolish. There are also opposing religious groups that host a "White Dot" event on the same day as the Pink Dot event... So it's not all acceptance and love.... We, too, are struggling for equal rights for all.

      I'm sure we'll get there, eventually. And I'm very glad that my generation and those generations after us are becoming more open to a wide diversity of sexual/gender orientations, and are embracing each other's differences. :)

    2. I like this monotangle with all it's colors.

  3. This is so striking! The colors are so vibrant, and you've unified everything in one tangle...very good, diversity within unity. Love it!
